Tuesday 16 July 2013

Noodlehead bag

Before going on holidays I was determined to make myself a new bag and chose the Super Tote pattern from Noodlehead.  It was very easy to put together together, the instructions were great and and I love the finished result.

The downside is that it is so big, it is always very heavy to carry around!! I know, I'm never happy!!
Also the fabric for the handles is a spotty red and the dye is running - aaargh!  Esp as it has been so hot, all my tops have a reddish mark on the right shoulder!  I have no idea as to the fabrics names, sorry!  I'd better get my facts right for the next posts....

I have made several totes 241 from Noodlehead too, mostly as presents, and really like that pattern.  Next on my list of things to do is Noodlehead's divided basket

Sunday 14 July 2013

Birth post

Finally, after months of humming and howing about creating  a blog, TwoPinsInAPod is born, hurrah!  This is mostly about sharing my craft activities with friends, but also to keep a record for myself of what I do - esp as there can be months between the start and finish of a project, and I always curse myself for not taking a note of needle sizes, tension etc.....I might also put snippets of holidays now and then....

Besides, I have been so immersed in the world of blogs (reading them, that it is), that jumping on the blogging bandwagon was only a matter of time!

So, first post is from my parents' house where we are finishing off our French holidays - with 30°C, everyone is chilling out after a really nice lunch. We have had the most amazing weather in Brittany with similar temperatures: not that usual there any more!

Finally what better day to start a blog: on Bastille day!